Fifpro quer até seis semanas de férias

Sindicato internacional dos futebolistas preocupado com sobrecarga do calendário pós-covid-19.


O Sindicato Internacional de Futebolistas (Fifpro) expressou esta sexta-feira preocupação relativamente à sobrecarga do calendário dos jogadores em período pós covid-19, e sugere uma paragem de cinco a seis semanas no final de época.

“Desde o recomeço constatamos um primeiro pico de lesões, devido a uma preparação insuficiente e a um calendário sobrecarregado”, refere o organismo em comunicado, acrescentando que é preciso encontrar novas e melhores soluções.

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FIFPRO welcomes steps taken towards the recovery of football in both national and continental competitions. However, we are concerned that stakeholders have so far failed to introduce safeguards to protect player health during what will be a highly-congested schedule. . A large percentage of elite-level footballers were already stretched by the match calendar even before the Covid-19 pandemic, with a lack of recovery time between games and insufficient mental and physical rest between seasons. Now, since the restart we are seeing a first spike in injuries because of insufficient preparation time and congested match schedules. . Here are some of the demands we are making on behalf of players ???????????? . Based on medical advice, FIFPRO has advocated for an off-season break of five to six weeks. In this unique situation, at the very least, the minimum contractually-agreed holiday periods need to be respected for the next breaks. In most countries this is at least three weeks. This should be followed by a retraining period to avoid injuries. It is not acceptable that altering competition calendars leads to pressure to breach these rights. . FIFPRO has advocated for a mandatory mid-season break of between 10 and 14 days. This now becomes more important than ever during what will be a highly-congested match schedule for many players over the next 2 to 3 years . Individual workload management principles should be established to restrict individuals playing consecutive matches without appropriate recovery times. Research has shown increased injury rates concurrent with less than six days of rest between matches. This match frequency will be the norm in the coming period, so individual load management must be systemized. . Travel advice and health and safety protocols related to Covid-19 are evolving in different countries and will continue to impact football. Clear standards are needed to prevent any undue pressure or disciplinary measures applied to players who may put their own and families’ health above playing obligations. . #atthelimit #liverpoolfc #liverpool #mancity #players #football #premierleague #health #covid19

Uma publicação compartilhada por FIFPRO (@fifpro_official) em

A Liga alemã regressou a 16 de Maio e deverá ficar concluída até 27 de Junho, mas as ligas espanhola, inglesa só terminarão em meados e final de Julho, enquanto em Itália a última jornada decorrerá no início de Agosto, mês em que será disputada a Liga dos Campeões.

O organismo que representa os jogadores sugere que a próxima época seja retomada depois de um período de descanso de “cinco a seis semanas”. “Não é aceitável que a modificação do calendário das competições acarrete uma violação de direitos”, sustenta a Fifpro.

Nas propostas, o Sindicato sugere uma pausa a meio da época, de 10 a 14 dias, e ainda que as cinco substituições, autorizadas para o recomeço, possam ser extensíveis para a próxima época.

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