
De visita à Guerra dos Tronos: a estreia da Game of Thrones Studio Tour na Irlanda do Norte

Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE

A cerca de 40km de Belfast e a 130km de Dublin há agora um velho universo novo: bem-vindos ao "coração de Westeros". É uma viagem que só interessa aos verdadeiros fãs da Guerra dos Tronos. Espalha-se por uma área com cerca de 10 mil metros quadrados e é uma “experiência interactiva”, estreada na sexta-feira, que permite um passeio por cenários onde a série foi filmada, nos Linen Mill Studios de Banbridge. Há obras icónicas, adereços e figurinos originais, pode passear-se pelo Great Hall, a sala do trono, ou por segredos da capital dos Sete Reinos, King's Landing, o Porto Real, e interiores de Dragonstone. Mundos da ficção para passeios reais: os bilhetes custam cerca de 46€ por adulto e 32€ por criança e há possibilidade de transfer de Belfast ou Dublin.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios
Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Linen Mill Studios Reuters/CLODAGH KILCOYNE