Syria as seen (and drawn) by children


Ele Cundi, five years of age, and Reyyan Emin, seven, both drew flowers. Ali Ristmo, also seven, chose to draw a mosque. But not all is a bed of roses in the imagination of these refugee children - currently in Yayladag, near the Turkish border with Syria. Ilaf Hassun, who is nine, drew a woman with her dead daughter in her lap. Tesnim Faydo, drew a very similar scenario. Six-year-old Gays Cardak says that he wants to be a doctor and engineer in order to be able to reconstruct Syria and take the soldiers to a hospital. There are currently 2.3 million Syrians living in Turkey and more than half are children, with severe mental traumas. 'I want my home, I miss you Syria', wrote Meryem Mahm, 14. 

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