’16 10’ is more than just a postal code in Johannesburg


Paul Samuels was born in Edenvale, a small city east of Johannesburg. The postal code is 16 10 – a sort of stamp which identifies that suburb as South African. ‘This number is all over the place, as graffiti on the street, the skate park, bars, tattooed on my mates leg and even on t-shirts, next to the word ‘Brotherhood’’ , the 24-year-old youth explains to P3. ‘XVI X’ is the name of the project which includes the photos shown here, portraits of young adults which have Evendale and the postal code, which is an identity, in common. Paul Samuels’ photographic work can be seen at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon until the 1 September, as part of the ‘Present Tense’ exhibition, of the ‘Próximo Futuro’ programme.